December 2, 2009

The record for the world's strongest beer has been broken by the Scots

Those nutters at BrewDog have unveiled the intriguingly named Tactical Nuclear Penguin with a 32% abv, just beating previous record holder, German beer Schorschbraer, at 31%.
This is nearly as strong as whisky.

BrewDog has made 500 bottles of the beer, half of which will be priced at £30 and the rest at £250 including a share in the company.

See the vid at

Posted via email from Personalised Champagne and Personalised Wine in the UK

November 6, 2009

New Year Drinking Saved - you will be able to get a drink after midnight after all

The Treasury have finally conceded that putting vat back up at the the very stroke of New Year would be very stupid indeed. It would have meant most pubs and clubs having to close their tills for a few hours as the vat change was programmed in. A real blow for the New year Celebrations. The switch for pubs, clubs and phone operators is now at 6am, so only the hardiest drinkers will be inconvenienced. BBC story   Accountancy Age story.

Posted via email from Personalised Champagne and Personalised Wine in the UK

Minimum alcohol pricing 'would force Scots south' to stock up on beer

A good time to invest in a big booze barn just south of the border?

Posted via email from Personalised Champagne and Personalised Wine in the UK

November 5, 2009

@rubello Noticed your von verignon label is in technical breech of EU wine labelling law. Perhaps you shouldn't leave it on display!

The rules on wine labelling may be a bit odd in general, and seem even odder in the light of personalised wine, but they are enforced by a very small team.
Of course licensing laws are even more peculiar, and much better enforced.
If you would like to outsource your wine labelling to us, you wouldn't need to worry about compliance issues. We've been keeping up to speed with this stuff for years, through 2 Licensing Acts and countless iterations of the labelling laws.

Posted via email from Personalised Champagne and Personalised Wine in the UK

October 21, 2009

U.S. Bans Poetic Bordeaux Wine Label for Inciting Debauchery!!

The poem on the label is by the great french poet Baudelaire, and it's! No smut, no bad language, no risque images, just a poem about wine, written in French.
Obviously there has been no explanation from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives but perhaps they took the wine's name the wrong way - Château Haut Gay. There is a translation at

Posted via email from Personalised Champagne and Personalised Wine in the UK

August 31, 2009

Like sweet wine? Your choice may reveal your personality

Some Aussie research into wine and personality revealed that impulsive people like sweeter wine. The article refers to sweet wine but really means medium or off dry. They certainly aren't talking about dessert wines, which are chosen by those who deliberate most carefully! You can read the article on

Posted via email from Personalised Champagne and Personalised Wine in the UK

Anniversary labels on personalised wine and champagne

August 28, 2009

Just sent out Personalised Champagne for an international mining conglomerate.

The UK arm uses a corporate own label to make an impression at press and investor functions. The label is quite subtle as they are quite a low key company despite being huge.

Posted via email from Personalised Champagne and Personalised Wine in the UK

August 25, 2009

Are you multi-tasking? Well don't, you aren't any good at it!

New research shows that constant multi-taskers are deluding themselves into thinking that they are good at it. They'd be better off doing one thing at a time properly. People who generally don't multi-task are actually better at it! Full story on the BBC site

Posted via email from Personalised Champagne and Personalised Wine in the UK