August 18, 2010

This is just so wrong - Wine Flavoured Sweet Cigarillos

Yes indeed, a new product to upset both the anti-drink brigade and the anti smoking lobby. I doubt it will ever make it to Britain.

A strange new product in the US. A cigarillo is a long, thin cigarette-like cigar, about 4.5inches long, like this
But this one is wine flavoured! To me this is just a weird idea

To me this sounds like ruining two perfectly acceptable products. If you don't like cigarillos, don't hide the flavour, just smoke them. If you like wine, just drink it.

Of course if you are a hard drinker, why not go straight for the tequila flavour?

I think I'll just stick with drinking my personalised champagne.

Hat tip to Good Grape for noticing this.

Posted via email from Personalised Champagne and Personalised Wine in the UK

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