October 11, 2011

Do I look suave and sophisticated with this wine? How a glass of wine can stop you getting a job in the US

If you've been sipping wine because you think it makes you look more suave and sophisticated than coffee, tea or fizzy water, you may want to re-evaluate that if you're looking for a job in the U.S. researchers says.

According to a study covered in a recent Reuters report, job applicants who drink alcohol are perceived as less intelligent and less suitable by American bosses.

In a series of six related experiments, researchers found that if a potential manager perceived any association with alcohol in the job seeker, this discovery prompted the boss to "expect cognitive impairment" in the candidate. In other words, the alcohol created a built-in bias that the job seeker was less intelligent than a non-drinking applicant. The researchers dubbed this prejudice "the imbibing idiot bias."

"Merely holding an alcoholic beverage may reduce the perceived intelligence of the person," researchers Scott Rick and Maurice Schweitzer wrote in the study presented to the Academy of Management's recent annual meeting.

One experiment invited 610 middle managers to evaluate a video in which actors played a manager and a prospective hire meeting over dinner. In some of the mock interviews, the manager ordered "Coke" or "the house Merlot." The job seeker also ordered either a soft drink or the wine.

Regardless of the manager's order, the observers judged the Merlot-sipping job seekers as less worthy of being hired and less "intelligent, scholarly and intellectual." Job seekers who ordered wine after the manager asked for a Coke were "especially punished" with low ratings for perceived intelligence.

The big question is are they uptight puritanical American managers or perhaps wine connoisseurs that realise choosing house wine is never the right option?

Obviously here at Personalised Wine HQ, we expect all interviewees to savour the wonderful wine that we offer them! Remember "Do not trust a person who does not like wine" Karl Marx

Link to an abstract of the original paper: Rick, Scott and Schweitzer, Maurice E., The Imbibing Idiot Bias: Merely Holding an Alcoholic Beverage Can Be Hazardous to Your (Perceived) Intelligence.

Posted via email from Personalised Champagne and Personalised Wine in the UK

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